Wild Time

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Thursday, August 29, 2013


We're back! And we're back with some great footage.

03.09.2013 Blackfish is the new documentary by Gabriela Cowperthwaite that examines the death of Sea World trainer Dawn Brencheau and the life of Tilikum, the killer whale, who has been involved in three deaths. The film asks the questions: Should we continue to keep these intelligent animals in captivity any longer, especially since there are absolutely zero reports of incidents between killer whales and humans in the wild. We talked to Gabriela about the documentary and also talked to people who have seen the film.

10.09.2013 Freedom Blue - is a project aiming at the education of people with regards to cetacians. Freedom Blue is also a music project that uses art to highlight the issue. Len Varley (who has been on WILD TIME before) talks to us about the project.

17.09.2013 The beggar cats of Niigata / Japan - for all intents and purposes stray cats aren't a new topic but when there are stray cats in a small village in Japan the whole issue takes on a comletely new meaning. WILD TIME in conversation with Steven Harsha, who lives in Niigata. This interview also touches on the different ways of thinking and understanding the world,

24.09.2013 Tim Gorski -  "How I became an elephant" is just one of the many documentaries of independent film maker Tim Gorski. Tim's documentary about Sea Shepherd gave rise to the now famous TV show "Whale Wars" and WILD TIME talked to Tim at length about his films, experiences and views.

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