Wild Time

Wild Time
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Tuesday, December 17, 2013


Happy 2014 everyone!!

WILD TIME starts off the new year with an amazing variety of topics:

07.01.2014 Health special - The new year starts with a health special. We truly believe that you can't loom after anyone unless you look after yourself first. To kick-start the new year we talk to personal trainer Mikey Spice from BODYSHARP (pictured above) about how to get back into fitness. Furthermore Sylvia Chandler, founder of the famous ZEN shop in Birmingham, will tell us all about the healing powers and health benefit of urine.

14.01.2014 Ending vivisection - animal tests are cruel, inconclusive and ultimately a relic from the past that has to stop. WILD TIME spoke to Geoffrey Deckers about the European organisation that tries to end vivisection.

21.01.2014 Bikers 4 Orcas - loud, leather-lunged bikers are the last thing people expect to make some noise for cetaceans, yet here they are. Wild Time's Thomas Janak talks to biker Vincent Lesner from 'Bikers 4 Orcas' about their campaigns.

28.01.2014 Save the Maui dolphins - Earthrace new Zealand's Paul Moss tells us all about the plight of the Maui dolphins, whose times could run out soon as there are only 55 left!

DON'T miss our informative conversations!!!

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